There are a number of movies that have touched my spirit over the years that I can watch over and over and over and over again for the rest of my life. One of those movies is PAY IT FORWARD! The concept is biblical and it is inspiring and motivational. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I actually reached out to the author of PAY IT FORWARD, back in 2005 I think it was, and learned about how it all began. I remember Ms. Hyde telling me how the book just took off and somehow, someone in Hollywood got a hold of it and wanted to do a movie version of her book. They allowed her on the set during filming and she was able to offer some input, but, for the most part, she'd given them full reign to do whatever they wanted and someone else wrote or rewrote the screenplay. She told me that whatever the setting was for the movie version was NOT the same setting for the BEST SELLING NOVEL. In fact, Kevin Spacey's character, Eugene Simonet, in the book was written as a black man, but, hollywood for whatever reason chose to cast a well known white man in that role. Nevertheless, the movie is absolutely PHENOMENAL! I'm posting this now because it's on now on ION Television. ***SIGH*** If you haven't watched it, I strongly encourage that you do! PAY IT FORWARD came out in 2000 and is just as relevant today as it was the day and time in which it first came out. I believe that it will be relevant until the end of time.
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Pay It Forward Trailer
Pay It Forward :: Pay it Forward Foundation
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