Friday, January 29, 2016

A Greater Yes: The Story of Amy Newhouse

Watched this FAITH BASED film on Netflix, a while ago. It's based on a true story about a high school student name, Amy Newhouse.

This story is testimony that we each have a PURPOSE according to GOD'S will. It also brought to my mind the following scripture:

Isaiah 55:8-9
King James Version (KJV)

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.

9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Truly, we should be wise in choosing HOW we pray and WHAT we pray for. In ALL things, we should be praying GOD'S WILL and peace and understanding no matter what HIS will is. The title of this film is on the mark in that with GOD, HIS answers to us are ALWAYS A GREATER YES! The outcome may not always be what we envisioned, but, because we serve a GOD who is in complete control, HIS outcome is ALWAYS BEST!

A Greater Yes: The Story of Amy Newhouse (Movie Trailer)

A Greater Yes: The Story of Amy Newhouse (2009)

After climbing Pampa High School's popularity chain, taking her volleyball team to the State championship, and founding the school first drug, alcohol, and violence-free club, Amy Newhouse must now fight the biggest battle of her life - cancer.

Her open heart to the people of her school now sparks a passionate rally from the community. However, this passion dwindles as her cancer metastasizes. Her cancer seems to miraculously disappear, but just as it seems the community has prevailed and the battle won, Amy discovers that the deadly disease has returned and is incurable.

Amy's prayers for healing continue, but with the seemingly dried-up support of her community, and an apparent no from God, she dies from the one battle she cannot win. However, with her death comes life and redemption of Pampa High, as her club grows exponentially, redeeming the school of the once-rampant violence, drugs, and alcohol that she so passionately fought against, and proving to all doubters that God has a "Greater Yes" after all.

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